
Our club is situated a couple of miles north of Crowland, and 5 miles south of Spalding on the old A1073. Our postcode for your sat nav is PE6 0JW or what3words ///weeps.compounds.twirls

A medium size gliding club with over 50 active flying members, Community amateur sports club (CASC) registered, not for profit, 100% voluntarily run by the members for the members.

We offer trial flights/lessons which can either be purchased on the day or bought as a voucher for a present that is sure to be remembered.

We need new members, whether to learn to fly, occasional flying with a qualified pilot, social or volunteer to help with flying operations.

Visitors and spectators are welcome on any flying day. When visiting please park your car with the other cars and either report to the club house or seek advice from a club member. We generally operate most weekends, bank holidays plus a few other arranged days and evenings. You are welcome to phone beforehand to ensure we are flying due to weather or any other issues. See our contact page.

Club History. How it began.